About us

About us

The BPS GmbH was founded in 2003. Beside their core business -based on its historical roots – production and sales of admixtures for concrete and cement the company entered very successful the business field of coloring asphalt and concrete.

The BPS GmbH has cooperations with well-known producers of high quality Iron Oxides, Titanium dioxides, Carbon Blacks etc. and could offer the full product range for coloring products in nearly every industry.

Beside standard packaging – the BPS GmbH is offering individual packing based on customer’s needs – like PE-bags – low melting, cold water soluble bags etc. The close customer contact is very important for the company and the for sure expected flexibility and reliability towards our customers and partners is essential.

Our guideline: “ There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”